Đại Học Lethbridge
Số DLI: O18776949622
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Công Lập
Loại của trường:
Đại Học
Địa điểm:
Lethbridge, Alberta
Số ngành có thể nộp trong 1 hồ sơ nhập học:
Phí nộp đơn:
140.00 CAD
About Lethbridge
At the University of Lethbridge, we are united by one common goal: to create a brighter future together.
Founded in 1967 on traditional Blackfoot land, the University of Lethbridge is one of Canada’s top-ranked universities and leading research institutions. We are one of Alberta's four comprehensive academic and research universities.
Our motto, Fiat Lux – let there be light – refers to the illumination that comes from research and learning.
Địa chỉ khuôn viên
Suite 6032, 345-6th Ave SE (6th Floor, Bow Valley College - South Campus Building)
Calgary, Alberta, T2G 4V1, Canada
4401 University Drive Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, Canada
Đại Học Lethbridge